
Friday, 28 February 2014


Wealth is the expression of accumulated work. And, it is fundamental to a healthy economy for wealth to always be active; moving forward in search of Truth.

Truth may be defined as that moment of awareness when the individual element possesses greater energy than the whole - this is the "god particle".

Wealth management is not associated with greed - which is the cancer of currency. Rather, the good management of accumulated wealth is the executive decision-making to exercise reasonable risk in seeking to have that currency grow - the cautious inflator factor.
Wealth accumulation in a single currency of a global commerce and trade network requires sacrifice by the historical wealth centres.

The event of a singular global currency has arrived. And, the management of wealth now enters into the more despotic realm of political influence. It is at this time. now, that war faring does not serve any purpose in the evolution of the human social contract.

GRC : PTR : TC1975 : UIA